
July 21, 2011

You ever get this feeling that we were meant to be. Well suddenly, a flash of light came shining on me. I started squinting at the light, I drop to knees and wonder what it was. Then I heard a voices. It said listen kid, you need to make this quick. I'm here to help you out. Yes and I'll grant you one wish. One opportunity, just one request. Just don't get greedy and selfish kid, just show respect. So I said listen here, I want you to know that I'm happy that you came. You probably know already but Imma let you know. See there's this girl in my life, but I can't let her go. She's some sort of curse. I always think about her I'll bet you know what I mean. He said okay I'll help. I'll help show you the way. Please, oh please, oh please. God, what word should I say? He said that he understood me. And he gonna bring her to me. And he only had one question. Do I really want her in my life? Oh yes, I want her. I'll do anything. I'll walk a thousand miles, I'll serve a thousand kings, I'll clime the highest mountain, I'll fight the biggest thug. I'll do whatever it takes so I could prove my love. So then I close my eyes. When I opened them, the next thing I know she was standing infront of me. I got up off my knees and then she ran to me. I rapped my arms around her. She kissed me on the cheek. I said I love you baby. Promise I'll never leave. I looked into her eyes and she smiled back at me. But then, someone placed hand on me. I turned around and there were nobody else. Then, he said I'm sorry child. You're just not meant to be. I screamed what do you mean? He said just go to sleep. Next thing I know I wake up and it was just a dream.
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