See! Lawa right! For your information, aku suke jam yg blink blink and too simple. For me it's nice. Tk payahlah too messy sgat jam tu. Like this watch. It got all I want, so perfect but dah jadi hak orang lain. Hm sapa lah kurang hajar sgat ni kan? Ntah ntah member sndr, alamak, habislah dia. Hikhok =.= Hm lepas moody sgatsgat tu, ofc lah my hubby risau, eceh :P Hihi masatu pergi Chamelon, aku mmg pantang tgok scarf. Hihi so dia bagi aku try one by one. Ada scarf mcam minnie mouse, ade scarf mcam kaki setan, sumenye besarbesar. Yg besarbesar tu dia kata comel. Bhhahahahahaha okay stop it. I like the simple one :) Hihi then, pergi merayau sana-sini. Haaaaa bestnye hang bila orang tk rmai. Tk sesak, CS pun tk bau masam hihi. Masa masuk PDI tu aku nmpk 1 jam, hihi jam tu smart. Cuma tepi dia aje yg tk lawa. Lepastu carik kat tmpat lain pulak. Kat sinilah ada aku berkenan. Mike yg tnjukkan. Hihi mcam tetau aje dia ni. Jam tu mmg lawa. Lebih byk blink blink dari jam atas ni. Tp tk boleh lebih dari Morgan ni lah hihi. Igat nak bagitahu jam apa tp tk jadilah. Nnt org dengki. Hihi. Tk kisahlah yg penting, I WANT THAT WATCH like SOOOOOO-MUCHIE! Korang tk boleh tahu yg mana sbb jam ni tkde dlam google search. Weekkk, booyah :P
Wowww he just gave me this :')
I do honey. I do. I forever do and ready for it. Heeee mmuuaahh :* Loveyousomuch!
And this :)
When you're not here, sad song, tears are who company me. I made rhymes, it is the one who made me feel better. Memory be my medicine and my poison. Your presence here is still felted. Your voice keep playing. Your smile hunt me every time. Your kiss is so much needed, especially when I'm about to sleep. It is true, when the person we love isn't with us, we will miss and our life will be miserable. Only does who strong can face it. Unfortunately I'm not. I just lost. I can't take it. Time be my greatest enemy ever. And I always lose. When you're not here, everything I see become in slow motion. So bored. Think bout you make me smile, by the time I cry. Why do I cry? I don't know. I love you. Truly I do. I would never forgot how beautiful you are when we met. How amazing you are. I miss you. This is Mike. The one who patiently waiting for you.