
April 6, 2011

Grr bosan boleh tk? Tadi main Photoscape so tekan jela mana - mana yg rasa - rasanya best. Nak tahu tk? I'm hugging my teddy bear. A gift from Miot. HAHAHAHAHA. Iqa tk dtg haaaaaaaaaa bosan siot tkde radio rosak. Dia kata dia macam nak berhenti skolaa aje :/ You said you wanna be a famous bomb designer but where's your spirit? Eceh berceramah kat sini tk pslpsl esok jugak kena bebel dgn dia. Haraplah dia tk baca. Nak cerita ni nak cerita ni. Tadi happy sgtsgt. Hahaha sebab dapat jumpa my hunny bie even from afar. Aku dah lama cam dia tp dia tenung semacam. So I waved at him and he waved me back. Hahaaha dia kata dia tk nampak sgt so that's why focus aje. Harini mintak - mintaklah dia dtg tuition. Rindu sgtsgt nih! Yeayyy I love you sooooo muchie sayaaaang ^^ 
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