
June 12, 2011

The difference between my blog and yours, is this blog doesn't have it's owner diary from now on.
Nytey nyte blogger, nytey nyte computer. Nytey nyte Farmia
I'm waiting, waiting for something that really bring peace in me which I'd been patiently waiting for your presence and I don't for how long I could wait because it's too difficult for me to get through it. I was in my sorrow without you till I don't know what to do to replace you meantime you wasn't with me. Agitated everytime you wasn't around I felt uneasy. Waiting for you was never be such waste for me cause it's so meaningful. But please tell me the exactly I have to hold cause I couldn't take it for any longer. When you wasn't with me, worried possessed my mind. I was about to lose my mind thinking of you. Do you feel like the way I do? I'd laid on my bed, close my eyes and wish you were here. Stay by the phone hoping that you call. Can't you see how much I miss you? But it's okay, because I know even we are far away but our hearts never tear apart. Close your eyes and feel my presence. 
Our love will never gone.
This blog is moreeee like Twitter or Tumblr
 Diario Di Me is extinct but still Diario Di Me :)
To all girls, please be careful when you're walking alone on the road. There's 2 Indian man seeking for woman, girls, female at any age. They can splashing acid to you. They're from KL and now in JB. 
Kau ada nak tanya tak kenapa aku tk letak Function Disabeled? Okay sebab aku dah malas nak letak benda alah macam tu. Menyemak aje kat sini boleh tk? Lagipun memang tkde sape pun nak copy paste kat sini! Kalau ada pun ada aku kisah? Copy jelaaa Miaa Farmia izinkan. 
Sila lah sila sila
It's sooooooo fun when you private your blog, and you post something, and click  publish post  button. And you read what you wrote. It seems like you're talking to yourself :D Hell-yeahhh, I'm talking to myself. Hello Farmia. I'm good. And you look cute today. Xoxo.
Tomorrow, time for schoooooooooooool. 
Totally freak me out~ Zzzzzzz
I loveeeeeee this song. Enjoy. Xoxo
Mataaaa, please work properly. I can barely sleep. Just for this night!
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